Health & Wellbeing

Support with your Mental Health

Every year, thousands of us struggle with our mental health. If you are currently struggling please know that you are not alone.

The following organisations provide free, confidential advice and support.


Mind are a specialist mental health charity that provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

In addition to their website, you can call their helpline on 0300 123 3393 or 86463 via text.

NHS Information on Mental Health

This section of the NHS website gives information on a variety of mental health issues; (symptoms to look out for and support options), as well as information on talking therapies and counselling, and wellbeing tools.

The NHS also has National Hubs. NHS Hubs support all health and social care staff across the UK

CWC Mental Wellbeing and Health Support

The Care Workers’ Charity offers social care workers a series of up to ten support sessions with a qualified therapist.

Follow this link to find out about how we can support you.

CareHomeLife Magazine

CareHomeLife Magazine has lots of information about Mental Health, Well-Being and has a podcast too. Check out their website.

Cruse Bereavement Care

Grief can be overwhelming. Cruse Bereavement Care offers support, advice and information when someone dies. You can reach them on their helpline on 0808 808 1677, or message them on their website.

Wellbeing Tips

Working in social care can be as challenging as it is rewarding. You may find some of the following resources help with your wellbeing.

Food & Mood

Taking time to think about the food you eat is important. Improving your diet may help to improve your wellbeing and increase your energy levels.

Mind has some great information about the relationship between food and mood.


Mindfulness is a well-known technique involving making an effort to be in the present moment. It can help decrease feelings of stress and anxiety, and be kinder towards yourself.

Find out more here about Mindfulness and how to practice it.

Physical Activity

Physical activity involves anything where you’re moving your body. Being active can help towards improving your wellbeing; managing your intrusive thoughts, stress and anxiety, as well as supporting you to get a better sleep.

Find out more about the benefits of physical activity on your wellbeing here.


When you’re feeling particularly busy, overwhelmed, stressed or anxious the following exercises may help to promote a sense of relaxation and calm.

Mind has 8 tips for relaxation which may help reduce feelings of stress or anxiety.


When your mental health and wellbeing is poor, it can be a struggle to sleep. Our friends over at Sleepio offer a 6 week online program designed by sleep experts and based on cognitive and behavioral techniques here with sleep tracking, optimization plan and expert advice and suggestions to help to improve your sleep.


Working in social care can mean you’re under an extraordinary amount of stress that can feel overwhelming. Understanding your relationship with stress, and having coping mechanisms and techniques to better deal with it is vital. The Mind website have the following guide to help with this.

In Crisis?

Call the Samaritans on:

116 123
or visit them online: