Haslington Lodge Care Home Hosts Fun-Filled Biscuit Day Celebration

Biscuit Day celebrations at Haslington Lodge Care Home took on a very sweet theme.

Belmont Team

Haslington Lodge Care Home was abuzz with excitement and nostalgia as everyone came together to celebrate Biscuit Day in a uniquely delightful way.

The event saw participants indulging in their favourite biscuits, sharing childhood memories, and showcasing their creative culinary skills. Everyone reminisced about classic treats like custard creams, bourbons, and rich teas. These conversations not only brought back fond memories but also created a bond over shared experiences from different eras.

One of the highlights of the day was the biscuit decorating session. The humble digestive was decorated with a variety of toppings, creating unique masterpieces of creative expression. Adding an element of playful competition into the day, a game of Jenga with a twist, the tower was built using pink wafer biscuits!

Overall, Biscuit Day at Haslington Lodge Care Home was a heartwarming reminder of the joy that can be found in everyday activities and the importance of coming together to share and create memories.

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