We're raising awareness about what dementia might feel like and extending that opportunity to families and friends who want to develop a deeper understanding of the disease.
According to Training 2 Care UK It has now been published that dementia kills more people than Heart Disease or Cancer and therefore is the largest cause of death in the UK. Indeed statistics show that one in three people that were born in the UK in 2015 are expected to die from dementia.
The Virtual Dementia Tour will be at Madeira Lodge Day Centre on the 26th of July from 3pm-5.15pm. To book your place contact Zoe on 01797 366810 or Sarah 01797 363242.
By understanding dementia from the person's point of view we can change practice, reduce issues and improve their lives. The Tour is a must for those that want to understand dementia by walking in the shoes of a person with the disease.